Refund policy

All transactions conducted on the Forgamer portal ( and/or online games are final and not subject to a return, refund, and/or cancellation.


Forgamer portal supports the operation of the platform and comfortable access for users. However, sometimes technical problems arise that cannot be predicted or prevented. Forgamer portal technical support strives to help users who encounter technical errors without undue delay.

If you encounter technical errors in the game or on Forgamer portal that cause you to suffer losses, please contact Forgamer portal technical support. In your application, describe the problem in detail and attach screenshots related to the technical error. Claims for compensation without supporting information will not be reviewed. Upon receipt of a request for compensation, technical support will review the request and make a decision at its sole discretion.

Technical support reviews claim for compensation on an individual basis, so decisions or compensation for similar claims may differ. 

Technical support will not compensate for losses if it is impossible to confirm that the error is caused by incorrect operation of the Forgamer portal or online games. 

Technical support does not compensate for losses specified in the list (but not limited to):

• If the user requests compensation for theoretical losses or lost profits. Technical support will only compensate for direct actual losses that were in the user's possession and in accordance with the Terms of Use published on the Forgamer portal;

• If losses are caused by technical problems of the user’s system (incorrect operation of the computer, Internet connection, etc.) or by a system owned by a third party;

• If the user requests compensation for lost profits due to the blocking of an account on the Forgamer platform or in a game on the Forgamer platform that was blocked for violating the Terms of Use;

• If losses are caused by fault, omission or inaction of the User or the User’s software or breaching of applicable law
